We, the attendees, were told to leave our umbrellas as they would not be allowed into the event-- an understandable request but there was nothing provided for those standing in line. There wasn't any water for attendees until 10 minutes before entering after waiting 2-4 hours in line in that "steamy summer heat." When they did get water, it was given out in paper cups, which, as you know, only contains a swallow of liquid-- hardly enough for the people losing the fight to the heat. There weren't any tents. Thankfully, I had two umbrellas in my car (it's Florida, you never know when you'll need one) so I was able to shield my friend and myself from the inevitable barbecuing affects of the sun.
Using high school interns for crowd control wasn't a smart idea because the kids were absolutely annoying with their lack of direction (on the other hand, it was a good experience for them). I spoke to another volunteer inside the event and she said the teens were the only ones who would work the event for free. I beg to differ.

One cool thing that happened before the First Lady came up on stage is that the crowd sang Let's Stay Together. What I would have given to have had the president singing it in person.
While I'm glad I went, I just really wish the event was better organized. I hope the rest of the campaign stops are.

I'm not joining a campaign driven by negativity and hate. America needs positivity and progress. It has been the Republicans in Congress who have kept this nation from achieving both, a promise they uttered when and have stood by since Obama took office. They're not truly against his policies as much as they are against the person. As much as they hate "Obamacare", it's interesting that it was a health care reform first introduced by a Republican and what's also interesting is that many of the Reps like what is within the act itself. So what's their problem? Obama. I can't with good conscience elect a person who participates in that elementary/childish way of thinking.
In her words:

"Education was everything in my family -- everything. It was our ticket to the middle class. It was our pathway to the American Dream. So my mom spent hours volunteering in our neighborhood public school, and she made sure we got -- handled our business, that we finished our homework every single night -- young people, every single night.
"And my parents did everything in their power to support my college education. And while pretty much all of my tuition came from student loans and grants -- a very large portion -- my dad still paid a tiny portion of that tuition himself. And let me tell you, every semester, my father was determined to pay that bill and to pay it on time. He was so proud to be able to play a part in sending his kids to college, and he did all he could with his limited resources to lessen our financial burden by ensuring that neither me, nor my brother ever missed a registration deadline because his check was late.
"And more than anything else, that is what is at stake. That’s why we’re here. It’s that fundamental promise that no matter who you are or how you started out, if you work hard, you can build a decent life for yourself and an even better life for your kids. That is the American Dream that we’re working for."
— First Lady Michelle Obama
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