Ok, God, I'm here, waiting, listening, straining to hear Your words. It's like You've been silent and that you just quietly watched me fall. I don't know why. I don't understand why all this pain, why all this sadness and non joy, why all this hurt. I believe in You and having been working towards what I thought was what You wanted me to do. And, yet, my heart has been snatched and shredded, left in bleeding strands, scared to beat for fear more trouble would come to extinguish what little life is left.
I'm here, listening, waiting, seeking Your voice.
I'm here. God tell me what you want. Guide me.
reveal it please.
I'm here. Listening. Waiting.

"I'm listening too. And waiting also. I'm waiting on you to realize that I'm everything you need, I always am and have always been everything you need. Let me work in your life. Stop trying so hard; Life doesn't have to be this hard. Move over. Get out of the driver's seat. Let me have the wheel. Relinquish your control. You don't have to know everything. You don't have to do everything. You just have to be still and listen. I will speak; I have been speaking. But so have you and you've been so busy talking that you haven't heard a word I've been saying. I don't want to be rude but shut up. I hear you. I feel your hurt, I feel your powerlessness, I feel your anguish. You were never intended to go through all this. Move over. I got this. I got YOU. I don't even need you to hold my hand; I will guide YOU. Move over. Give me the wheel. I'll show you what I can do. You just come along for the ride. I'm ready to bless you in ways you never thought possible. I'm ready to do things in your life that you haven't even asked for. I will give you everything you speak of but I want you to have more. You will have more. You will touch lives. But allow me to touch and work in yours first. You've made this harder than it has to be. Now I need you to let go; let me handle this. I told you many years ago, while sitting by that fountain, that I got you. I am your El Shaddai. I am all you need. I got you. Let me do me. I don't want you to feel this hurt. Let me bring out the heat of your smile to dry those tears. Move over, honey, I got this. "
I hear You, God, loud and clear. Have at it.
With ALL my love,
In the little time I've been on earth & learning about God and His ways is that sometimes He does this to test our Faith... and man is it hard! Anyways heres a little vid i think you might want to take a look at this!