Dear Blog,
I had to neglect you, Blog, and my household chores (ugh, my house looks a mess) and cooking (my body's not happy with that because it's been nothing but fast food over here). I just haven't had time. But, before I get into the third class next week, I'm making time for all three of those things-- you, the house (I have to, inspection), and a home-cooked meal (maybe two if my kids get lucky).
So catchup time. That first month of class was just hard. The teacher was demanding but not helpful or clear. I bombed my paper (a 68) but I did squeak out with an 83% in the class. What a relief. This second class, I've been doing a whole lot better. The teacher is fun, funny, helpful, open-minded, and clear. So far, I've had 100s on every assignment (2 more left to grade) and I got a 93 on the second portion of my paper. (Yeah!).
Today, I'm going to take the kids to see a movie (maybe), have some bonding time, play board games. My oldest son got hurt (hip fracture) so he's on crutches for the next three weeks. That meant no school for the last four days. That also means that I'll see him for the next three weeks. That's definitely the shiniest silver lining to the whole thing. Ever since this summer, I barely see my son if it's not a school night. He's developed some really deep friendships and he prefers to spend time hanging out. I didn't want to deprive him of that because he was hanging with good influential kids but I've missed my son. This week, we joked around a lot, laughing and having fun. Yes, definitely a silver lining.
Bad note, my other son revealed that he's getting bullied (gosh I hate that word-- it's so ubiquitous) again. What's a mother to do? He's in a school he loves; the teachers like him; he likes his teachers; he has real friends (finally); and he's getting the academic help he so desperately needs. He's also getting resources outside of school so I don't know what more I can do. I had the therapist and the school counselor talk to him. It's like everything I missed with the first kid is happening to the second. Wish I could have been fortunate enough to have both of them escape the harsh realities of growing up. But this world is so perverted and I have to stay vigilant, even with the oldest, thanks to the Sanduskys of this world. This world makes it hard to not hate men.

My videos from month 1: Methods of Literature Review (Can't remember the name right now)
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